CPR Invest - Food For Generations
ISIN: LU1989763690 - Equities
As of 16/05/2024
123.49 USD 1,270.00M USD

From farms to forks with a sustainable approach

CPR Invest Food for Generations is a thematic global equity fund that aims to get exposure to multiple growth drivers by investing in companies throughout the global food value chain. It offers an investment solution that meet the challenge of feeding the world population and preserving resources.


Why Invest?

A Theme Driven by Long-term Trends

Global population growth, higher standards of living and urbanisation are prompting an increase in food and water consumption as well as an evolution of eating habits. Depleting natural resources as well as changes in the way we consume food are creating growth opportunities.

Exposure to Numerous Sources of Growth

The fund invests in the whole food value chain, from farms to forks¹. Such a multisector universe allows the portfolio to adapt to various market phases and is able to capture growth potential behind the theme.


                                                           The fund has an official ESG label by LuxFlag², for incorporating ESG in its investment process. The fund adopts a two-fold sustainable approach;

An Original Approach

A Conviction-based Management


Number of stocks within the investment universe, past exclusions of worst behaviours and controversies


Number of identified sectors within the food value chain


Number of stocks in the portfolio3

¹ The initial investment universe, international equities, covers the following sectors: agriculture, water, food products, beverages, distribution and restoration. Not all sectors are permanently represented in the portfolio. Due to its composition, the fund focuses on disruptive companies and can therefore deviate significantly in terms of return from global stock market indices (eg MSCI World).
² ESG LuxFLAG Label - for a period starting from 01 April 2019 and ending on 31 March 2020
3 Source: CPR AM, as of 31 December 2022. 

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Amundi Singapore Limited Company Registration No.: 198900774E

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