Investing with goals

Are your investment goals still relevant?

Assess whether your financial plans are still in line with your personal goals.

woman thinking

Is it time to reassess your goals?

Your goals from five years ago might not fit your life today. That's why you need to know when to re-evaluate them.

However, before making any adjustments, it's crucial to understand that most investment plans typically work better when given time to grow.

The challenge lies in distinguishing between temporary setbacks and genuine need for change.

Do you find yourself questioning whether your financial goals still make sense in the face of new circumstances? Let's explore a few points that can help you make decisions.

Recognise a temporary setback from real changes

The success of long-term investing typically comes from staying committed to your plan through market ups and downs.


While adjustments might occasionally be needed, frequent changes often harm your long-term success.


The key is to recognise which situations call for patience, and which might suggest a need to review your approach.

Escalators going up and down

When life bring changes

While staying the course is often beneficial, certain significant life events might lead you to reflect on your investment journey.

It's natural to consider your investment strategy during these transitions. Remember that a financial advisor can help you evaluate whether and how these changes might affect your long-term financial journey.

When to pause and think

man hiking in the forest

Pay attention to your instinct and external circumstances. For example:

  • Your goals feel outdated or irrelevant
  • You're consistently missing your contribution targets
  • Your financial situation has significantly changed
  • You're facing unexpected challenges or opportunities

If you're not sure how to reevaluate, we recommend the following article to gain greater clarity on how to prioritise your goals.

From goals to growth


Consider what aspects of your plan may need attention. Revisiting your goals can mean adjusting timelines and amounts, not necessarily letting go of a goal altogether. If the decision seems too complex, you can always seek professional advice for help.

Want to feel more aligned with your goals? Start building your investment resilience now.

Unless otherwise stated, all information contained in this webpage is from Amundi Asset Management S.A.S. and is as of 20 January 2025. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss. The views expressed regarding market and economic trends are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions, and there can be no assurance that countries, markets or sectors will perform as expected. These views should not be relied upon as investment advice, a security recommendation, or as an indication of trading for any Amundi product. This material does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security, fund units or services. Neither Amundi Singapore Limited nor Amundi Asset Management S.A.S. accepts any liability whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, that may arise from the use of information contained in this webpage. Investment involves risks, including market, political, liquidity and currency risks. Past performance is not a guarantee or indicative of future results. 

Date of first use: 20 January 2025

Doc ID: 4020770

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